2005 Convocation: Consecrated Virgins, Women of the Eucharist

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2005 Convocation: Consecrated Virgins, Women of the Eucharist

from $5.00

$5 per talk/$25 entire conference

CD1: Homily August, 11th & 12th - Archbishop Raymond Burke;
Homily August 13th - Fr. Eugene Morris;
Reflections - Judith Stegman

CD2: “The Eucharist as the Inspiration and Strength of the New Evangelization” - Archbishop Raymond Burke

CD3: Personal Reflections on the Eucharist - by Consecrated Virgins

CD4: “Can You Spend an Hour with Me?: The Value and Necessity of the Eucharist Adoration” - Fr. Eugene Morris
Note: There is background noise during the first 15 minutes of this 60 minute presentation.

CD5: “Consecrated Virgins, Women of the Eucharist” plus Questions and Answers - Archbishop Raymond Burke

CD6: “Do whatever He tells you: Mary and the Eucharist” plus Questions and Answers - Fr. Eugene Morris

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