Grade 4-8 Lesson Plans and Materials for 10 Lessons
Grade 4-8 Lesson Plans and Materials for 10 Lessons
The 10-lesson Vocation Tree Unit is intended for 4th to 8th graders with basic understanding of Catholicism. The 40-minute lessons are designed such that students are led to first discover for themselves the significant aspects of the Vocation Tree painting, and then to learn about the related Scripture passages and Church teachings represented in the painting. Each lesson includes a warm-up, sequence of activities in which the main content of the lesson is introduced and taught, and closure.
Materials include a laminated Lesson Card for each Lesson (1 through 10), and a bound Vocation Tree Unit Materials booklet. The Lesson Cards are intended both as a description of the lesson for the teacher to read prior to teaching it, and as a cue card for the teacher to use during the lesson. The Vocation Tree Unit Materials booklet includes master copies from which to make student handouts, and additional definition sheets and information for the teacher to use during lessons.